
Coach Me to Lead show with Lidia Chmel

LinkedIn Live

Every Friday at 9:00 am central we have a conversation with a coach or expert on habits, behavior, and business. Join the conversation and ask your question directly in the chat at LinkedIn. This Friday Erno will learn from Lidia Chmel. We will learn how to stay true to yourself, stay resilient, have a plan,…


Coach Me to Lead show with Felix Tigersonic

LinkedIn Live

Every Friday at 9:00 am central we have a conversation with a coach or expert on habits, behavior, and business. Join the conversation and ask your question directly in the chat at LinkedIn. This Friday Erno will learn from Felix Tigersonic . We will learn how to get your music out there. Felix helps musicians…


Coach Me to Lead show with Donita Brown

LinkedIn Live

Every Friday at 9:00 am central we have a conversation with a coach or expert on habits, behavior, and business. Join the conversation and ask your question directly in the chat at LinkedIn. This Friday Erno will learn from Donita Brown. Donita will talk to us about accomplishing what matters most. It is Donita's passion…


Coach Me to Lead show with Kay Nass

LinkedIn Live

Every Friday at 9:00 am central we have a conversation with a coach or expert on habits, behavior, and business. Join the conversation and ask your question directly in the chat at LinkedIn. This Friday Erno will learn from Kay Nash. She will talk about being happy, and healthy, and running a business without feeling…


Coach me to Lead show with Todd Gorishek

LinkedIn Live

Every Friday at 9:00 am central we have a conversation with a coach or expert on habits, behavior, and business. Join the conversation and ask your question directly in the chat at LinkedIn. This Friday Erno will learn from Todd Gorishek. Clarity and Confidence Coach for Men Do you really want a different result than…