
1.9.11 — Mini Celebrations

This release adds mini celebrations, landscape mode for playing videos and a revamped goal settings so that it’s easier to set reminders, privacy (and perhaps, in the future, other cool features).

Read on for a bit more about this release.

A lot of this release is laying the groundwork for future releases.

  • Last release included a new sub-category of guided meditations. We’re currently working on a sub-category of guided yoga sessions. That’s why we added in landscape mode for video.
  • We’re working on a weekly target feature to allow you to say how many times per week you want to follow a goal. Think of this as an alternative to streaks. In this release we revamped the goal settings screen in order to make room for the new target setting.
  • The mini-celebrations are for supporting new milestones, for example hitting your weekly target for multiple weeks in a row.

I’ve used our release notes before to talk about Lift’s concept of iterative improvement. That’s how we approach life and how we approach product development. Basically, we’re releasing updates to our app as often as possible, both to get feedback on changes and to maximize the amount of time you spend with the best features.

We’ve generally had a great experience with this iterative approach. Thankfully, we’ve never accidentally submitted a show-stopping bug. Basically, the only downside that we’ve ever noticed is that each release starts with an empty set of reviews.

The empty reviews make us look like some sort of newbie, untested app. I don’t love that. So, if you’re a regular reader of our release notes, I’d like to ask a favor. Add a review.

If you’ve already added a review for a previous release, you can refresh it for the current version with just a few taps.

To our future selves,

Tony & Matt, Erin, Alicia, Herzog, Dan, Terrie


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