
CAMP: Monthly Coach Office Hours, June 2024

Introducing the new format for our monthly Coach Office Hours –

C: Craft of Coaching
A: Awareness & Stress Management
M: Marketing Focus
P: Platform Updates

Great discussion with so many golden nuggets to take away!

00:00 Kendra’s Welcome
00:55 C: Group Coaching blisters (challenges) and what to do about them
16:48 A: Being aware of the “why” behind your offer both for you and your client
19:25 A: Importance of rest and play for coaches in avoiding burnout
27:38 M: Summers are hard, but you can use them wisely
31:14 M: Learning to master objections is the key to a successful sale. Dealing with perfectionism with 100 Rejections Challenge
36:40 M: Kendra’s reflections on her challenge of posting a video every morning at 6:00a.m. in our LinkedIn group
40:35 P: Android app, Group Coaching Package
42:17 Final comments: Lidia shares her win with Stripe

Useful links:

1. Join the upcoming Group Coach Certification (GCC) cohort (starting 29th June)

2. Join Coach.me as a coach

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