
Featured Coach: Cecily Kellogg

Quick Summary:

  • Avoiding alcohol can immediately boost your physical and mental performance. Take our challenge, No Alcohol for 30 days, to save money, improve your relationships, get more done, and boost your health and fitness.
  • Cecily turned her marriage and career around by quitting alcohol 19 years ago, and is here to help you find clarity in 2015 (#Clarity15). “When drinking crosses the line from fun social activity to a distraction that’s impeding you from reaching your goals, it’s time to take a break and seek clarity,” says Cecily. She’s learned it’s better to not do it alone and is looking forward to supporting you on your terms.
  • Get a free week of coaching from Coach Cecily with the promo code CLARITY15.

cecily buttonAbstaining from alcohol is the most effective way to create immediate, significant change in your life.

30,000 of you know this, which is why you’re checking into the No Alcohol goal every day. And you’re succeeding:

“I’m almost 6 months in, and my favorite story so far it this: I asked my 10 year old daughter if she’s noticed a difference. She says, without giving it a thought, without pausing, “You’re much more interactive.” – Ian

“Not a heavy but regular drinker. Now I sleep much better and have more productive mornings.” – Dovile

“It’s only been a couple weeks for me… But it has been very beneficial already. I feel a ton healthier. I know I have saved a couple hundred already and thousands in the long run. It has already been obvious that my fiancé is much happier with me and more calm in our relationship. He isn’t on edge wondering if I’m going to get hammered. It was like there were three people in the relationship… And now just two :)” – Mark

For the rest of you, I want to explain why quitting alcohol will have a profound effect on your life.

Drinking alcohol is in the same category of bad habits as skimping on sleep or eating unhealthy foods. It doesn’t do permanent damage (in moderation) but regular consumption subtly chips away at your ability to be superhuman.

  • If your goal is to get a promotion, hangovers ruin your productivity.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, alcohol adds hundreds of empty calories to your diet.
  • If your goal is to start a new hobby, bar hopping wastes your leisure time.
  • If your goal is to get in shape, alcohol causes dehydration.
  • If your goal is to improve relationships with family and friends, alcohol encourages superficial bonds. Worse, it kills your memory.

Cutting down on your drinking (or cutting it out completely) can help you achieve the other goals on your list. Just try it for 30 days – see what benefits the change has in your life.

Breaking habits is hard to do, which is why we’ve brought on Coach Cecily Kellogg to help you stick to the challenge.

Cecily quit drinking 19 years ago. The decision saved her marriage, career, and life. She’s a coach because she knows how hard it is to quit drinking, even if you aren’t addicted, and how crucial it is to have support. She can help you pinpoint the positive change, be it to cut alcohol completely or reduce your consumption gradually.

In Service,
Tony, CEO of Coach.me

clarity blog

What to expect from Coach.me Coaching:

  • Chat-based coaching using the private messaging system in the Coach.me app.
  • Daily check-ins with your coach: mentorship, accountability, and advice.
  • Your free week starts immediately. You can cancel at any time Coaching after your first week is just $14.99/week!
  • Access to all Coach.me community features to boost your private work with your coach.