
Is our social media challenge right for your coaching business?

Coach.me runs monthly social media challenges to help our member coaches use social media to grow their businesses. It’s included free in your coaching membership.

We’ve learned tons from about 5000 marketing posts that our coaches have shared since we started the monthly marketing challenge.

And while those are impressive numbers, you may be wondering if this challenge is also useful for someone in your specific situation.

For instance, perhaps you don’t even have a Social Media presence yet and wonder how you can participate.

Or, on the contrary, you might already have a ton of followers and ask yourself how this can benefit you.

Let’s answer these questions.

Yes, you absolutely can participate in the challenge even if you don’t yet have a Social Media presence…we can modify the first week or two for you to make it easier for you.

In fact, many challengers started from zero when it comes to Social Media and the challenge helps them progress a lot faster.

Take, for instance Coach Joey, a member of our July Challenge. Just two months later, his LinkedIn post got featured by the LinkedIn news team. That’s pretty impressive, right?

What makes his accomplishment even more impressive is that a few months ago, Joey didn’t even have a LinkedIn account. He got started with is when he started the challenge.

So can you!

Alright, what if you already have a ton of followers? Is this still useful for you? Yes, definitely! For instance, Coach Tony has participated in a few rounds of our challenge… even though he already has over 25,000 followers on Twitter and is the editor of one of Medium’s most popular publications!

While Tony is an extreme example, many of the regular participants of our challenge already have an audience and a good marketing habit… and when I asked what they got out of doing the challenge, they mentioned that it helped them stay on track and stay motivated.

They also appreciated the support from other coaches. If you’re ready to grow your coaching business, keep an eye our for our monthly challenges. They start on the first Monday of the month and you have to be there right at the beginning to participate.  


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