Looking for more happiness and less stress? Take a look at the Month of Mindfulness group on Lift created by the team at Greatist, the place to go for all things fitness, health and happiness related.
Greatist’s mission is to make it easier to find quality health and fitness content online. Their site is home to articles filled with tips backed by scientific studies and expert research.
They’ve created the Month of Mindfulness Lift group to help their community members as they build the following healthy habits this summer:
- Say “no” to one thing per day
- Meditate
- Go to sleep by midnight
What inspired them to run this challenge? Laura gave us the inside scoop:
“At Greatist, we believe that wellness is just as important as what we eat and how we move when thinking about our overall health. And our Lift group is such a great platform to let our readers support one another while working on those small habits — like saying no, trying to meditate, and getting enough sleep.”
Join the Month of Mindfulness on Lift.
We’ll be bringing you more examples, case studies, and success stories soon. If you have feedback email [email protected].