Rob started meditating in January 2013 using (then called Lift). In the one and a half years since, meditation has improved Rob’s life in many ways including making him a better dad. He shared his story with us and some tips for fathers looking to start a meditation practice.
About Rob
I grew up in Norwalk, Connecticut and recently moved to Carmel, Indiana. I work remotely as a Project Manager for a tech company based in Burlington, MA. My wife and I have two daughters, ages one and four.
How Meditation Helped Rob Become a Better Father
After taking the time to close my eyes and clear my mind, I feel more calm, positive, and patient when spending time with my family. For example, if my four year old starts telling me about her day (rambling of course) I’ll be more apt to give her undivided attention and ask her questions instead of nodding along. If her younger sister is screaming and fussy, I’m more likely to understand that she is telling me she is tired, and less likely to be discouraged or lose my temper. I feel like we all have a finite amount of mental energy to use during the day, and incorporating meditation into my routine has helped me improve my mileage. I also have found meditation to be a great tool for transitioning between work and personal life. It’s particularly helpful for me to clear my mind before signing out of work for the day. Meditation helps me ensure I leave work where it belongs, resetting my brain and enabling me to more present with my wife and children in the evenings.
Rob’s Tip for Getting Started: Start Small
I think that one of the major breakthroughs that I had was when I realized how little time is needed to start practicing meditation and incorporate it into my daily life. When I first started, I would try to focus on emptying my mind for only 2-5 minutes a day. Even with this tiny investment I started to feel benefits and look forward to the process.
Rob’s Meditation Routine
I have found it helpful to meditate after a long string of meetings or at the end of the work day. I subscribe to the guided meditations in the iOS application. I use reminders to help me remember to fit it into my schedule, and streaks as motivation to keep the habit alive. My current goal is to meditate five to six days a week in ten minute increments.
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