Thanks folks for joining our first #liftchat.
Here’s a recap of the conversation. Remember to sign up for the Power Lifter list to get updates on what’s happening at Lift and a special surprise this Monday.
Q1: How many goals do you track on Lift? Do you think there is an optimal number?
We see a correlation with retention that peaks at 8 habits. So that’s usually how I answer the question of how many. #liftchat
@erinfrey A1: I track 6. I think optimal is 3. I never track more than I can see in one iPhone screen (thanks for that tip, BTW) #liftchat
@erinfrey The optimal number of habits to track is slightly more than the number that you can usually do in a day. 🙂#liftchat
I have 4 easy, 5 moderate, & 2 difficult daily goals RT @erinfrey: Having 1-2 easy habits is popular among Power Lifters.#liftchat
Q2: Is it easier to achieve certain types of goals? Do you prefer broad (exercise) or specific (run 3 miles) ones?
@erinfrey I like broad goals bc it helps me to grow within that goal eg: eat vegetables = start w 1 a day to 1 a meal etc. #liftchat
A2: Broad for some (exercise, meditation) specific for others (wake at 5, InboxZero)#LiftChat
@erinfrey I find specific goals way, way easier to get streaks in. I also see correlation between length of time req’d & success. #liftchat
@r0bmrz Use checking in as a reminder to do next habit on list. If you can make it a habit-chain, you can keep building momentum. #liftchat
Q3: What habits make you more productive?
In our meditation research, 75% said meditation improved their focus at work.#liftchat
I love that a top productivity habit is “listen more than talk”. Wish everyone i know adhered to that! #liftchat #gtd
@erinfrey A3: “Good Posture” check-in helps my productivity considerably. I catch myself slouching, correct it, and re-gain focus #liftchat
This can be huge, esp. if done the night before. MT @obra: A3:Start day by writing list of actionable tasks I want to get done #liftchat
@erinfrey @obra I keep my daily priorities to 3 at a max; any more than three is a to-do list. #liftchat
Q4: Last question, how can we improve Lift?
A4: Send a personal Habit buddy to my house that will constantly remind me. Shouldn’t be a difficult addition 🙂 #liftchat
+1 “@michaelhwan: @erinfreycan u have a function in the app to assign another Lift user to be ur accountability buddy? #liftchat”
— Ioan Mitrea (@awarenesss)
@erinfrey @kkemper That would be a great idea! Swipe to add reminder. #liftchat
And a question from the community via @michaelhwan Q4: Are there any good books or blog post on behavior design? via
@erinfrey @michaelhwan @bjfogg @joelgascoigne @jasonshen Agreed! Great list of bloggers/researchers of behavior design 🙂 #liftchat
@michaelhwan Thanks @erinfrey! The Power of Habit by @cduhigg and The Willpower Instinct by @kellymcgonigal are must-reads. #liftchat