
1.7.2 — Coaching Plans

This release includes a simple coaching feature with an initial set of ten coaching plans.

We’re also opening up this feature to other coaches or Lift users who want to share their expertise by creating a plan. If that’s you, you can get started from our blog: https://blog.coach.me

Read on for where this feature is going.

When I pitched Lift to our team and our investors, we’d always end up at human potential and what’s possible if you could surround a person with continuous, expert coaching. Compared to a non-coached person, you’d be super human.

Over time, we’ve built up the hardest working community on the Internet. That’s you.

I love your success stories, which I categorize with the phrase, “What if?”

What if you actually did the work? The rest of the world is stuck on the couch or stuck in the status quo. But we’re meeting Lifters who have lost 50 or more pounds, started companies, competed in triathlons, who have transformed from office worker to professional dancer. Compared to your peers, you are becoming super human.

What is Lift’s role in that? Our first iPhone version was like having a coach in your pocket.

I’ve talked about that coaching in terms of BJ Fogg’s BMAT model. The Lift app provided a small boost to motivation and ability, along with triggers and positive reinforcement.

Now, we’re looking at Lift 2.0 and re-asking ourselves, “What does it mean to surround every person with constant coaching?”

We are going to start pairing our cutting edge behavior change research with actual explicit coaching. The plans in this release are templates with many more to come.

That fulfills one of our long term goals, to put a coach into every device.

But many of you are experts in your own right. Even if you don’t identify as a coach, you have all made significant changes in your lives. What if you could publish your expertise on Lift?

We’ve just opened up that ability. Publishing a high quality plan takes about as much time as writing a good blog post.

You can take the first step on our blog (where I have some helpful tips).



Coach Tony & Coach Jon, Coach Matt, Coach Erin, Coach Alicia, Coach Herzog, Coach Sonya, Coach Jared


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