
1.9.13 — Weekly Targets

This release lets you set weekly targets for each of your goals. You can then see your progress toward each of your weekly goals at-a-glance from your dashboard.

This feature tested very well with the Lift team (we all practically doubled the number of check-ins we were making), so I’d recommend setting a target for each of your goals. To set each target, tap into your goal, tap the three dots on the upper right, tap edit goal.

Read on for more about the importance of progress and history.

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This release completes a thorough re-do of our progress and history tracking.

Progress is a foundational coaching feature of the app. In fact, it’s the only universal feature we offer. Our higher levels of coaching all require you to engage with the community, bring in your friends, or work through one of our guided plans. Technically, those levels are optional. Seeing the cold, hard truth of your progress is not.

Progress lets you be your own coach. It gives you the information you need to hold yourself accountable and puts your ambitions front and center (it’s surprisingly easy to “forget” what you are supposed to be working on).

So, go, set some targets for yourself. These are your commitment for how often you want to achieve your goal.

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We also wrapped up some other edge cases around progress and tracking.

We’ve made it much easier to get a full history for each of your current goals. That full history includes frequency per week, frequency per month, a calendar view, and a list of all the notes that you’ve added. This full history used to be hidden on your profile (and I’m not sure everyone knew about it). But now you can tap into it directly from each check-in screen.

Also, you can now access the full history for goals that you’ve archived (Go to the bottom of your profile screen).

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Last, if you’ve ever wanted to try Yoga, I’d highly recommend our new collection of guided yoga videos (available from the add-goal area).

I think of myself as inflexible, so Yoga is appealing, but I’m also shy about going to an actual yoga class. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. If you’re at all like me, you’ll definitely enjoy our Yoga collection.

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Well, one more last thing. Please update your reviews in the app store. If you’ve left one before it should be as simple as two taps. Your updated reviews makes it much easier for us to release as often as we do.

To achieving any goal,
Tony & Erin, Alicia, Herzog, Dan, Terrie, Jeremy, Esther


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