

1. Get monthly coaching on cutting edge topics in human potential. Each month is led by either Tony (Lift’s CEO, i.e. me) or by a guest coach. This month:

Forget every hippie story you’ve heard about mindfulness and meditation. This month you’ll learn why meditation is a technique that elite athletes, CEOs, artists, and experts are using to boost performance, increase productivity, expand their creative side and improve as a leader.

2. Get early access to Lift news and features. Get discounts on new products. Give your product feedback directly to Lift’s product designers.

Longer Version

When I ask myself what are my favorite parts of running Lift, I always have two answers: exploring new ideas in human performance and working directly to help people achieve excellence.

There was an older version of the Power Lifter community, which we mostly used to send ideas out to for feedback (thank you!). This new version of Power Lifters is different. It’s an playground for experimentation.

Lift serves a very broad range of goals and mindsets, certainly much broader than my own. For me, there’s an incredible satisfaction from achieving new levels of performance. I want to keep leveling up all the time. And when it comes to leveling up, I have four areas of focus: business, fitness, health and relationships.

Over the course of Lift we’ve run broad and influential research. We discovered the key to successfully adopting a meditation habit. We’ve validated that almost every approach to diet works (as long as it isn’t the standard American diet). We’ve put the idea of momentum based behavior design (sometimes called tiny habits) to a bigger test than anyone on the planet.

That was just the beginning. My mission is to redefine human performance. We’re building a universal support system (tracking, reminders, community, coaching) and an encyclopedia of knowledge (Q&A has an 87% answer rate). But there’s one more piece: research. And that’s where you come in.

We’re going to push into some territory that nobody has explored before. In the process, we’ll hopefully achieve more than the traditional techniques allow. And if we stumble occasionally, we’re at least going to make sure it’s damn interesting.

What Will You Get?

1. Every month we’ll have a new goal. I’ll add this goal to your dashboard and send you a primer.

2. We’ll spend the month working through this goal. We’re taking all month so that it doesn’t overwhelm your other goals.

3. Core to the goal: we’re going to share what we learn with each other and with the rest of the Lift community. Joining Power Lifters is about becoming a leader in human performance.

4. You’ll get early early access to new features, get to give feedback, get discounts, etc.

Sound good?

Become a Power Lifter