
How to Create a Coaching Upgrade Package

Every coach should have a coaching upgrade package.

At Coach.me, the most common coaching format is habit coaching via chat.

That’s a great way to offer amazing coaching for an incredible value.

But some clients need more coaching.

And when they know what you’re worth, those clients are often willing to pay a premium price.

What is a Coaching Upgrade Package?

We’ve previously covered how to become the best coach in the world.

Well, if you’ve worked with your first coaching clients, some of them already think you are.

And these clients are perfect candidates for a coaching upgrade package: a high-priced and high-value coaching offer.

Imagine, for example, that you’re a diet coach.

You offer habit coaching at Coach.me, providing daily accountability and nutrition advice.

For many clients, that’s enough.

But some of your clients are struggling with emotional eating because their lives are stressful.

For them to succeed, they need to process those emotions, and they can’t do that in your usual habit coaching format.

And that’s where your coaching upgrade package comes in.

Let’s address the most common questions coaches have about this kind of offer.

1. When Should I Offer My Upgrade Package?

You need to offer the package at a time that feels trustworthy.

So, ask yourself: What are the moments that my best clients would be helped my more in-depth coaching?

2. What Should I Offer?

Generally, you’re offering something much more valuable than daily chat.

That could be, for instance, a weekly phone call or personalized plan.

Here are some examples:

  • A weight-lifting coach can offer personalized training plans.
  • A productivity coach can offer strategy sessions.
  • A writing coach could can to review or edit articles.

You should price your coaching upgrade package as if you’re the best coach in the world.

So, if you’re only charging $87 per month for habit coaching, it’s still totally fair to have a package that is $18,000 for the rest of the year (that really happened with one of our habit coaches).

3. How Do I Bring It Up?

This should be easy.

You’re not selling or pressuring — you’re helping.

The only tricky part is to not create the impression that you’re holding out.

So, it’s a good idea to mention your coaching upgrade package upfront:

“My habit coaching is very powerful. But if you feel like you need to go deeper, we can talk about bigger packages down the road.”

Or, if you’re already into a coaching relationship, you can say something like:

“I notice that [an issue you’ve noticed] has come up three times: [occasion 1], [occasion 2], and [occasion 3]. I think that if you solved that issue, you would be able to make a lot more progress toward your goal. However, it’s hard for me to help in the habit coaching format. I do have an upgrade package that could help. It’s a lot more expensive, but I want to make sure you are aware of it.”

Now, Create Your Coaching Upgrade Package

Your coaching upgrade package will help you serve your best clients better.

And it can build a new revenue stream that takes your coaching business to a whole new level.

So, create your coaching upgrade package today.

You and your clients will be happy you did.

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