
Instagram Tutorials: 13 Useful Guides for Coaches

This is a collection of 13 Instagram tutorials for coaches.

In these guides, you’ll discover how to:

  • Start and run a popular Instagram account.
  • Attract coaching clients on the platform.
  • Build new income streams for your coaching business.
  • Lots more.

Feel free to skip around and use the Instagram tutorials most relevant to you.

Let’s get started.

Contents: Instagram Tutorials for Coaches

  1. Manage Your Account Like a Pro
  2. Write a Bio That Attracts Your Ideal Clients
  3. Grow Your New Account Quickly
  4. Build a Highly Engaged Audience in Your Niche
  5. Get Your First 1,000+ Followers for Free
  6. Growth-Hack Your Account with Carousel Posts
  7. Engage Your Audience with Interesting Questions
  8. Demonstrate Your Expertise on Instagram Live
  9. Become an Influencer for Your Favorite Products
  10. Sell Your Coaching with Video Ads
  11. Make Extra Money Through Sponsorships
  12. Use Giveaways to Grow a Huge Following
  13. Be Yourself

1. Manage Your Account Like a Pro

First off, you need to make sure that you use Instagram effectively.

That includes creating an appealing grid layout, posting consistently, and measuring the right metrics.

If you’re new to Instagram, that might seem overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.

In this article, you’ll find all the instructions and tools you need to get up and running.

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Focus on executing the most essential principles and tools to get your Instagram business to a place where you can feel proud of it.

They will take 20% of your time and get you 80% of the results you’d see from implementing every single Instagram best practice out there.

After helping hundreds of people build their Instagram business, I can tell you with confidence that these are the essentials.

2. Write a Bio That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Your Instagram bio should explain why you are the best coach in the world for your ideal client.

If you need some help with this, use the “What for Whom” framework to find your unique specialization.

Then craft a bio that is irresistible to the people you want to work with.

This little piece of text can make or break you, so take your time with it.

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Most of us underestimate the power of an effective Instagram bio, but in the context of an ever-increasingly saturated platform, it can be the difference between growing our audience and not.

Crafting a great bio is now an essential part of growing your Instagram because of the way most users evaluate if they will follow an account.

3. Grow Your New Account Quickly

If you’re new to Instagram, it can be a challenge to get traction.

Luckily, there are growth strategies you can use to jump-start your account.

This article outlines 20 ways you can increase your exposure, stand out from the crowd, and reach your target audience.

A great resource to get it right from the get-go.

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Instagram is a competitive place if you want to grow your account and boost your following.

There are many talented and creative brands but there isn’t any reason why you can’t be one of them.

Most of the strategies involve letting Instagram know that you’re an expert in something and then proving it.

4. Build a Highly Engaged Audience in Your Niche

As a coach, you probably don’t have a lot of time to spend on Instagram each day.

The good news? You don’t have to.

In this article, you’ll learn how to build an engaged following in just 15 minutes per day.

And that, in turn, can create a powerful traffic source for your coaching business.

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Remember, sometimes it’s not all about the numbers.

Sometimes you have to go beyond that superficial vision and start caring about more down to earth business metrics.

Followers won’t make you a living. A highly engaged, even small, audience can sustain your financial needs.

5. Get Your First 1,000+ Followers for Free

People grow their followers on Instagram in a variety of ways.

Some do paid ads. Others pay influencers to help them. And some even buy followers (not recommended!).

But you don’t have to spend a bunch of money to attract an audience.

You can grow your following organically – if you just know how to do it.

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Growing your online following is a marathon, not a sprint.

Save your energy, stay hydrated, and please don’t try to game the system.

6. Growth-Hack Your Account with Carousel Posts

Instagram carousel posts allow you to display a series of images or videos in a row.

You can use this feature to showcase your expertise, provide tons of value, and grow your audience.

Let’s say that you’re a productivity coach.

You could, for example, demonstrate how you’ve set up your workspace for maximum efficiency.

Give people a taste of your coaching, and you’ll intrigue your ideal clients.

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How can you use Instagram carousels “at a business level”?

Instagram carousel posts offer users and marketers a different way to show users the bigger picture.

Instagram has been an image-based platform for the majority of its lifespan, and users have become used to interacting with image content.

7. Engage Your Audience with Interesting Questions

Asking questions is a great way to build personal relationships with your followers.

So, if you’re publishing a book, post cover mockups and let your audience vote for their favorite.

If you’re launching a new course, give your followers a sneak-peek and ask them what they think.

Or, why not ask your audience what they’re struggling with right now, and offer some free advice?

Involve your followers in your brand, and they’ll be much more likely to become clients.

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Instagram Stories bring a new set of “opportunities” for brands and influencers to start more conversations, using not only feed or live videos.

Along with Instagram Stories, users can now start polls – a simple feature that allows you to ask a question and receive responses from your audience.

It’s amazing how many possibilities these features represent for brands.

8. Demonstrate Your Expertise on Instagram Live

Instagram Live is a feature that lets you stream video to followers and engage with them in real-time.

This provides another excellent opportunity to connect with your followers.

  • Mindfulness coach? Host a live meditation session.
  • Fitness coach? Run a bodyweight workout.
  • Diet coach? Share a great recipe.

If you want, you can even create your own little “show,” and go live at the same time every week or month.

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In a time when connecting with others is key, Instagram Live events are a great way to truly connect with your audience.

These broadcasts require no studio equipment, little setup, and are a great way to dip your toes in online events and do it in a way that connects you to your followers.

9. Become an Influencer for Your Favorite Products

Product sponsorships are common for sports coaches but rare for personal coaches.

But it doesn’t have to be. If you have some products you like, go ahead and promote them.

Just make sure to do it in a trustworthy way.

If you talk about the product authentically, your followers will be able to tell.

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There are actually two stages toward becoming an Instagram influencer.

The first, of course, is to grow your followers organically and engage them.

The second, and probably more important for some, is to make money as an influencer.

10. Sell Your Coaching with Video Ads

60% of users find new products on Instagram.

More than 200 million Instagrammers visits at least one company profile each day.

And there’s been an 80% increase in the time users spend watching videos on the platform.

With those kinds of numbers, it might very well be worth promoting your coaching with video ads.

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Remember, videos are fun to make, but they are here on this earth to convert customers.

Don’t be salesy, create value, and track to see which video gives you the most of what you want for the best price.

11. Make Extra Money Through Sponsorships

You might have heard about influencers who make a lot of money on Instagram.

Well, you don’t need a massive audience to start moving down that path.

A small, engaged audience can be enough to get your first sponsors.

So, if you use products and services from a certain brand in your work, why not ask them about a partnership?

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The truth is that it can be hard to stand out as an influencer on Instagram with so many other people in the market.

But if you have an engaged following, a cohesive feed and post regularly, it’s not impossible to make some money through sponsored posts.

All you have to do is learn how to pitch to brands as a micro-influencer.

12. Use Giveaways to Grow a Huge Following

A well-executed giveaway can grow your audience quickly and cheaply.

As a coach, you can give away something like:

  • 10 copies of your book
  • 5 accounts to your online course
  • 3 hours of free coaching

You can also team up with relevant partners and have them pitch in with the prize.

The important thing is that you find something that appeals to your ideal coaching clients.

That way, you’ll ensure that you end up with highly targeted audience members.

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Giveaways, raffles, and other contests have always been exceptional ways to go viral and quickly grow an audience.

If you want to quickly grow your following, host a giveaway.

Or, partner with an influencer to break up the cost and give it an extra push and additional layer of credibility.

13. Be Yourself

Finally, it’s important to cut yourself some slack in all this.

You don’t have to get everything exactly “right” on Instagram.

In fact, that might just make your account feel inauthentic and hard to relate to.

So, allow yourself to have fun with this process.

Do it your way, and you’ll naturally stand out from the crowd.

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It’s entirely possible to still thrive on Instagram. You just can’t do what everyone else is doing.

The most important thing on Instagram is to be authentic and natural.

Don’t obsess over perfection. Be more human – even with your business account.

13 Instagram Tutorials for Coaches, Quick Links

  1. Manage Your Account Like a Pro
  2. Write a Bio That Attracts Your Ideal Clients
  3. Grow Your New Account Quickly
  4. Build a Highly Engaged Audience in Your Niche
  5. Get Your First 1,000+ Followers for Free
  6. Growth-Hack Your Account with Carousel Posts
  7. Engage Your Audience with Interesting Questions
  8. Demonstrate Your Expertise on Instagram Live
  9. Become an Influencer for Your Favorite Products
  10. Sell Your Coaching with Video Ads
  11. Make Extra Money Through Sponsorships
  12. Use Giveaways to Grow a Huge Following
  13. Be Yourself

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