
Set Priorities for Your Day with Coach Yavor Ivanov

Today you can hire executive coach Yavor Ivanov to help you get in the habit of setting priorities for your day—a deceptively simple habit that can change the entire course of your life. For a limited time only, you can try Yavor’s coaching for free with a complimentary free trial.

Every single book on productivity for the executive or entrepreneur gives the same advice: a short period of time each day to reflect and set priorities. Our actions tend to steer us in the direction we look. Yet many of us don’t take time to do this. Why?

I think it’s because we feel overwhelmed and a sense of fear about our to-do list develops. We think ahead to actually doing the work that supports our priorities; we worry about the other demands that are made on us; we’ve failed to get everything done in the past. We’re too mentally exhausted by the very idea of the things weshould do to think about the things we actually want to do.

Here’s the thing: this habit is simply about giving yourself a chance to reflect on what your priorities really are. It’s not about getting everything done; no one does that!

By committing to the tiny habit of reflecting on your priorities each day, subtle changes will occur in your life. Even if you’re getting pulled by other demands, you’ll probably begin to notice a few minutes here and there where you’re finding time to take action towards things the things that matter to your heart and soul. Gradually, those small actions will add up. On Coach.me, we’re seeing that they often add up to miracles.

Yavor Ivanov has been studying this kind of behavior change for years. He co-founded one of the largest online media companies in Bulgaria and was listed on the Forbes Bulgaria “30 under 30” list of technology innovators and disruptors. Coach Yavor coaches other entrepreneurs in developing habits to support their success. Focus is key; as Coach Yavor says, “The truth is that what you do is more important than how much you do.”

If you know you should be prioritizing your day but have trouble doing it consistently, Coach Yavor can help. He’ll provide accountability so you’ll be motivated to actually do it, but he’ll also give you guidance and exercises to help you build a solid habit that gives you real results over time. He’ll help you overcome the subtle but powerful factors that have kept you from building this habit in the past.

This habit isn’t about checking off everything on your to-do list (and don’t blame us if that happens!) It’s about taking some time to look in the direction you actually want to go.

Do that and chances are a lot better that you’ll actually get there.

Hire Yavor now. Be one of the first 10 people to use the promo code PRIORITYWEEK and get your first week of coaching free.